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Product Review: Starbucks VIA Instant Coffee

Starbucks recently launched their first instant coffee, called Starbucks Via Ready Brew. Via means "road" in Italian, so this is perfect for people on the go who are looking for an instant caffeine fix. After sampling the Colombia Medium Roast variety, here is my ten cents (used to be two cents before inflation) worth of comments.

What I liked:

- Tastes good. In a blind taste test, you probably couldn't tell that it was instant, especially if you just drink Starbucks brand every once in a while. But it is good compared to other instant coffee brands that I have tried.
- The coffee is pleasantly strong with
a hint of bitterness, especially if you follow the ratio of the coffee to water on the packet.
- The dark, rich aroma is unmistakably Starbucks. (Mmmmm!)
- A packet is small and convenient - you can put it in your purse, pocket, etc!
- Perfect for people on the go. VIA. Hmmmm....
- Reasonably priced. Around $3.50 for 3 packets.

What I didn't like:

- Black - not so good. But if you add cream or sugar, it gets better.
- They don't sell it in bigger bags or jars.
- No lingering coffee aftertaste. (This could be a plus for some, though)

The verdict:

I'm not saying that it's the next best thing since sliced bread, but for instant coffee, I think VIA is good. Actually, better than other instant coffee brands that I've had. The sachet-type packet is perfect for travelers or daily commuters that don't have time to sit down and eat their breakfast - the "grab and go" types. It still has the same Starbucks taste, minus the hassle of preparing filters, coffee maker settings, etc.

Coffee purists and meticulous drinkers might not enjoy it, but for occasional drinkers like me, I don't mind the Via.
Instant coffee = instant satisfaction of coffee cravings. :-)


Faye said...

I miss having coffee at starbucks , yummy!:)

♥peachkins♥ said...

I like the Starbucks VIA Brew,J.

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